We were set a task to experiment with different types of exercise to see what works for us. Oh, this will be easy, I thought. I have a whole month to complete this exercise.
I love the outdoors and I love to swim and walk.
What didn’t work
There were two things I hadn’t counted on: the rain, and time away. It seemed every time I went to do
something it was raining, or I was away.
I had to get creative. I asked the hotel where we were staying if they had stairs I could use, instead of the lift. The young girl looked at me with confusion and clarified, “10 flights of stairs!!!!” She had to get the manager and check. Apparently, the stairs are locked and only staff have access. It was the same at another place we stayed.

I bought a vibration machine. This will be fun, I thought. I did enjoy using it for the first few days. It didn’t matter if it rained, and I could watch TV while I worked out. Then I noticed my feet were getting sore. I do have a health issue with my feet. I don’t know if I overdid it or what, but I had to stop. And it was too cold to swim.
What worked

Since we were away, I decided to walk to dinner when I could. I just took an umbrella. It felt like the walk helped to digest the food. I felt lighter after the walk. I also enjoyed the stroll with my partner, chatting and enjoying our surroundings.
I also had a week away at a training course. A group of us decided to walk twice a day. I really enjoyed this too. It was our second week of a three-week training and I had been almost falling asleep in the first week. The training was great, but we were sitting around a lot.

During the walk I enjoyed chatting to other group members, getting to know them and hearing their take on what we were learning. It didn’t feel like exercise, and I looked forward to going each time. I was still a bit sleepy in class at times, but the walks seemed to give me more energy to stay present and connected.
Finding joy

I haven’t ridden a push bike in years. My partner and I got the bikes out, cleaned them up and went for a ride. I was nervous to start, unsure of the steering. Do I even remember how to do this??
Yes, I do, and I love it!!!
I felt like a child again. The wind on my skin, pedals under my feet.
I felt a sense of freedom as I flew down the street.
Wow!!!! I had so much fun.
We have now moved the bikes so we can access them easily and go for a ride whenever we like.
This Blog is a part of the Broken to Brilliant Blogging GEMS program, read other blogs from survivors about how they found adding exercise to their daily life:
Read more about the Blogging GEMS Program