Broken to Brilliant can help you rebuild your life after domestic violence with our Steps to a new beginning.
The online course and workshops have been developed by domestic violence survivors for survivors.
After your life has been shaken you need strong foundations in place for your new beginning. This course helps you to strengthen those foundations so you rebuild the life of your dreams on a solid base!
Being an online course NOW is a good time to start rebuilding your new strong path
Free - click here to enrol in the course
The steps to a new beginning will help you with:
managing your finances
identifying easy, every day fitness
how to feed a family on a budget
the importance of bringing back fun and friendships into your life
clarifying your future.
Thank you to the Westpac Community Foundation Grant which has helped us deliver the course titled: 'Steps to rebuild your life after domestic violence'.

Broken To Brilliant registered charity with ACNC

Steps to rebuild your life based on key themes from the book Broken to Brilliant available on Teachable.

Frugal Food - recipes to feed your family on a budget

Fun your way - learn how to have fun again

Fitness your way - be active and stay fit with activities that a fun, free and you like.

The Importance of Friends for support and your mental health

Your brilliant future is available to you by following the steps in this online course

Westpac Foundation supported Broken to Brilliant Steps to Rebuild Your Life program
Online course testimonials
"It's really cool that you've collected the key things that helped survivors recover from their stories. Thanks for doing the work and for making this free course platform a reality for downtrodden people who need some encouragement. More than just courage, we need tools in our belts to be successful for our own individual futures." by CR.
"Thank you so much for all these tips and tricks. I loved the section on frugal food but everything just made me stop and think, so thank you. Keep up the great work support those of us on this journey". by M
"Excellent, on my way to a braver, new self and future" by A
"Thank you so much for these informative & interesting resources! They’re very helpful with developing a plan for a new life after abuse & really help me to feel more in charge of my own future. Thank you x" by TB
"A wonderful course with step by step forward planning. Great Frugal food ideas taking you back to basics with good recipes. Thankyou" by GA
"A wonderful uplifting course to improve ALL facets of my life. So many practical tips, and I particularly LOVE the Frugal Food book - omg! complete with shopping list and 2 week menu planner!! Where do you get your energy? 😆 I’d like to buy some of that! Blessings on you both and your wonderful work! Thank you 🙏 🌹 "by SA
"Thank you for this course. You articulate the value of each of these items so clearly. You also make them seem achievable." by EM
"Thankyou, I am so greatful to be able to do this course and I now have many idea's to start trying to have a balanced life. God Bless you both for your great work" by KV
"Wonderful resources,wonderful that this course is free,wonderful that it's full of such wisdom,help and real empathy." by AK